About Jazz Labb
Jazz Labb provides an opportunity for musicians of any age to study jazz in a friendly setting. Under the direction of Matt Finders, Jazz Labb students explore the art of improvisation, sight-reading and jazz ensemble playing. Players must have at least two years experience on their instruments.
Reach out to Matt Finders to find out how to get involved
About The Program
Next Session - July 6 to 10, 2020
Strengthen Sight-Reading Skills – The groups move through a wide array of music. “It is not my goal to perfect a few festival pieces, rather, we cover as much music as possible to improve the students reading and confidence.”
Improvisation – “The heart of jazz”, all of the students will be encouraged to improvise. Soloing builds confidence and allows other players to listen and learn.
Expand Your Playing Circle – Jazz Labb attracts students from Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon and Dublin.
Skill Level – In general, the Intermediate classes will consist of 7-9th grade players, while the advanced big band and trombone group will consist mainly of older high school players and adults.
Culminating Concert – Each session ends with a performance for family and friends.